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Unique Abilities

Reminder: Gold Shards are Experience Points and are therefore refered to here as "points"


Unique Abilities are, in contrary to the abilities you can earn through collecting Gold Shards, free to choose abilities. There is a list of possible abilities below. You can choose up to three of them and have in total 300 points (Gold Shards) to level. They are leveled as follows:


If you choose one single ability, you can level it with all 300 points you have open, making the ability very powerful if it is maxed out.

If you choose two abilities, the 300 possible points are divided between those two, so that each ability can be maxed out at 150 points.

If you choose three abilities, the 300 possible points are divied between those three abilities, so that each of them gets 100 points as a maximum level.


The "points" refered to here are the value of the Gold Shards (1 GS = 1 point).


Possible abilities are natural ones that are not on the ability list, for example:

stamina, speed, strength, cunning, etc.

Please keep in mind that those are things EVERYONE should be able to do. A special talent for a very specific thing (i.e. Astrology, Crafting, Swimming, etc.) is not possible as a Unique Ability, because that's what the other Abilities are for.




A single Ability:

Sensitiveness: 0/300
In any way. They are both physically and emotionally sensitive, meaning that they are very precise about what they do and that they can sense other people's feelings clearer.


Two Abilities:

Tactics: 0/150

Is able to plan things better ahead of time. They can think quicker, even in stressful situations, by analyzing their surroundings and then drawing conclusions.

Speed: 0/150

Can run fast.


Three Abilities:

Artistic: 0/100

Colors, patterns and everything of the like is easy for them to analyse and distinguish. They know how colors and forms should best be ordered to let something look good.

Deftness: 0/100

When it comes to detail work, they are very precise and careful.

Tidiness: 0/100

They know how to sort things so that they are not in the way and so one can find them easily.

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